Math Pre-REU

Signal and Image Analysis

Hello! Welcome to the math Pre-REU program at Texas A&M.
This site contains some information about the non-lecture portion of the program.
Please also see the main webpage for the class, maintained by Dr. Gregory Berkolaiko.
  • Here are a few resources for learning LaTeX:
  • Here are a few basic MATLAB guides:
  • Here are a few MATLAB files that we may or may not use:
  • Remote Login:
    • If you have a Linux or Mac machine, the easiest way is just to open a terminal and enter:
      ssh -X YOUR_CALCLAB_USERNAME@calclab1.math.tamu.edu matlab
      Make sure to replace YOUR_CALCLAB_USERNAME with the user name you use to login in class.
    • NoMachineNX and VOAL Tutorial. Use this for Linux/Mac/Windows machines.
  • Learn Linux, if you are interested:
